Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ashlee | Scottsdale Arizona Maternity-Newborn Photographer | Melissa Bailey

This past week my sister in law, Ashlee was visiting me here in PHX! We always have fun when we are together and always try to squeeze in a few photo sessions as well.  With our husbands watching the kiddo's we took advantage of some free time and had fun down in the studio with music and a lot of laughing and Ashlee's cute baby belly! She is 6.5 months pregnant with her 3rd boy! Isn't she just the cutest pregnant lady ever!?! (I was one of those annoying people that kept touching her belly whenever I was near!) Her boys are so excited for a new baby brother and I can't wait for this little man to make his arrival into the world!

1 comment:


Melissa, I LOVE THEM! Thank you so much...those last ones...oh boy..I'm such a dork! Loved spending time with you! :)